Our Projects
Feature Films, TV, 3D Animation
King Bean who is kind, gentle and somewhat meek (who also gets flustered when he tries to speak), rules Beanerville with his wife Queen Lady Lima and their son Prince Billy Chili Bean. Bart the Big Bad Baked Bean comes up with a plot to stuff all of the Beanheads in a big Beanbag, and then try to rescue them so that the Beanheads will see that Bigger is much Better and crown him King at the Beanhead Ball. But the Beanheads discover his plot and King Bean saves the Beanheads and shames Bart. All of Beanerville celebrates King Bean.
zoetifex Studios owns the rights to produce The Beanheads as either a TV show or Feature film (or both). Elements of the production can be pulled from the plot above (taken from the first book titled “The Beanbag Plot”) as well as future books that are being planned for publishing. As far as merchandising and marketing goes, The Beanheads give us the greatest potential for much success with toys, games, “happy meals” extras, clothing and much more.